I was really happy to see a tweet this week from a fellow Blogger, Rachel at Little Miss Bliss. How lovely it is to be nominated by her for the Liebster Award. I’ll be honest, I’d not heard of it before reading the tweet and if you are scratching your head too, let me explain. The Liebster Award is awarded to (new) bloggers, by bloggers. It’s all about discovering new blogs, spreading love around the blogosphere and making new friends via our blogs. Also it gives your readers the chance to get to know you better!

The rules for the Liebster Award are:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Use the Liebster Award image within your blog post.
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you set.
  • Nominate 11 other new bloggers whose work and blog page you admire.
  • Ask them 11 questions.

So, here are the answers to the questions that Rachel has fired my way:

  1. What is your favourite comfort food? Why is it your go to?

Being from Yorkshire, I have 100% got to say a proper cooked dinner; Sunday Dinner you may call it. The full works: chicken and lamb are my favourite, lots of fresh veg (I love a good parsnip!), amazing roast potatoes, creamy mash and lashings of thick gravy goodness. I’m not a big fan of Yorkshire Puddings (I know, that’s very rare). I’d rather have more room on my plate for more spuds or veg. Actually, Cauliflower Cheese needs mentioning here! I love this type of food as I was brought up on it and it just satisfies so many cravings.

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

Based on the places that I have travelled to, I’d have to say New York. The place is alive. I love the buzz of a busy city and lots of choice for shopping and eating out. Central Park would give me the green space that I often need to get away from everything from time to time.

3. What are your 3 favourite beaches in the world and why?

I’d have to say Fort Myers beach in Florida would be top of my list; it holds so many memories as a child. I also really liked the beach by the Moon Palace resort in Cancun and after travelling to Cornwall last Autumn, I was amazed by the beautiful beaches that the county had to offer. It’s almost a 6 hour drive away from home, so not just somewhere for a day trip, and you would think you were in another country with the class of beaches down there.

4. Why do you blog? How does it fulfil you?

I blog because I love to write. I trained as a journalist over 10 years ago and for one reason or another, never ended up in a journalism role as such, although I do blog for proof-read as part of my full time job. Buying clothes, shoes, accessories – you name it- is a big part of me and always has been. Being able to blog about it and have a reason for taking all the photos that I do is a fab way of expressing the joy I get from fashion.

5. Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?

I am definitely an extrovert. I couldn’t do the job I do if I wasn’t (I work in marketing, events, social media and new business development).

6. What is your proudest accomplishment?

Buying my own property aged 25 and then selling it 2 years later at a 25% increase. I believe my eye for interior design helped me to achieve this higher value.

7. If you could be on any reality TV show or talk show, which would it be?

I’m not sure I could cope with being in the Big Brother house for all that time (unless I was booted out first!) so I’m going to have to go with TOWIE (The Only Way is Essex). I love all the glam, gossip and lifestyle, plus, I do love Essex having spent time there around 10 years ago. Talk show…I do love a bit of Jonathan Ross, he has great guests on his show.

8. Who would you choose to play you in a movie about your life? Why?

For no other reason other than my Mum used to say that I looked like her, Catherine Zeta Jones. She probably meant from her chubby-faced Darling Buds of May days.

9. What is your favourite book or movie?

Although I do read books, usually just when I’m on holiday, I don’t tend to remember the names of them. My favourite film is probably Beauty and The Beast, the original.

10. Do you have any pets? If so, how many? How old? Let’s hear about the little loves!

Nope, I don’t have any pets. I like the idea of getting a puppy sometime soon but as I’m allergic to most animals, it narrows the breed down quite considerably as I’d have to go with one that doesn’t malt. Cocker-poos would be good for me I’m told. They’re so cute!

11. What do you honestly think about my blog? What is one thing you think I should improve?

I really love the colour purple, so it’s attractive on the eye for me! I’m currently viewing it on a laptop and the only thing I can think of to improve it would be, for me, it’s a little busy at the bottom of the page when I scroll right down.

There we have it! I’ve answered my questions. Now I need to nominate other blogs that I like. Here goes!

(In no particular order)

(I know some of you above may not necessarily be new to blogging, but I’m not sure how long you’ve been doing it and I’d love to know more!) To the nominees above, your questions, should you wish to take part, are:

  1. Why did you choose the blog name that you did?
  2. What do you love most about blogging?
  3. If you could be friends with one other blogger, who you don’t know in the ‘real world’, who would it be and why?
  4. How long have you been blogging for?
  5. What would you eat as your last meal?
  6. What is your favourite TV programme and why?
  7. Which celebrity do people think you look like, if any?
  8. You have just won £10,000 on a scratch card and have to do something fun with it. What do you do?
  9. Who were your favourite band in your teens?
  10. Where do you see yourself and your blog in 2 years?
  11. Where is your dream holiday destination?

I hope you enjoyed reading a little bit more about me and I’m looking forward to hearing from the bloggers mentioned above! You can follow me for daily posts on my Instagram and Twitter.

Thanks again to Rachel for my nomination!

Until next time, take care, Natalie x