It’s so refreshing to be told “you can take in as many as you like” as you enter a changing room. Marks and Spencer, I applaud you. To be granted a double changing room too is also really appreciated. Space, multiple mirrors and good lighting is a necessity if retailers want us to walk out of there ready to hit the till. 10/10 for my shopping experience in store this week, it was thoroughly enjoyable.

The thing is, whenever I have attempted to explain to women of a similar age how brilliant the Marks and Spencer fashion collections are, I’m often greeted with a screwed up face and disbelief. Why do people think it’s uncool to shop there for fashion? Give them a chance. Yes, it’s a shop for all ages. Have you not seen their TV adverts? It’s not just the food that leaves your mouth watering. You’ll find fantastic pieces that I promise will bring you many compliments. I’ve always been a fan. Its kind of been drilled into me from a young age; if you want quality, you go to Marks. I’ve been to my local Meadowhall store to see what took my fancy as we approach Autumn.

A Saturday morning spent waltzing around new season fashion is absolute heaven to me. Yesterday I spent almost two hours falling in love with a Virgin Airways-red blazer, an oversized floral and pinstriped blouse, a bright white ruffle cap-sleeved tee and all of the beautiful home interiors I could glance at.

Let’s start with the £45 blazer. The bright, vivid red caught my eye straight away. I want to inject more of this colour in to my wardrobe and it’s literally everywhere right now. This jacket turns a casual white tee and light-wash denim look into a smart, pulled-together outfit so easily. I absolutely love it. Adding the bow detail on to the cuff is the icing on the cake. You can wear them loose but I prefer them tied.

Buy the blazer alone, pair it with your fave skinny jeans, black or light-wash (however I think black would turn this into a definite evening option) and a crisp white top and voila!

My next find was something I’d been eyeing up online but it was even better in real life. A floaty, V-neck, fluted-sleeved blouse. The print grabbed my attention; pinstripe and floral. Not everyone is going to love the two put together, but I 100% do. M&S describe it as ‘pink mix’ and it looks fantastic under the red blazer. Pink and red has been paired together across the catwalks this year; it’s cool to clash. So I’d just go for it and wear them together. Pure cuff love.

For the past 3 or 4 years, all of my Autumn and Winter coats have come from Marks and Spencer. As I’ve got older I’ll admit I’ve become a bit boring as I think what’s the point in buying a coat if it’s not going to keep me warm? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to miss out on style just because I’m looking for warmth. I always head to M&S online to check out their latest offering and keep an eye on the ones I’m going to buy as soon as they send me a 20% voucher (I love a discount!). As I was about to leave the store yesterday, I spotted the best trench coat I’ve seen in a while! What’s more, there are three colours to choose from. For me, the khaki one is on my payday purchase list. I have a navy trench already and also a gorgeous stone coloured one from All Saints.

Which would you choose? They’re pure cotton with Marks’ Stormwear trademark which “keeps you dry with our clever water repellent technology.” At £79 I expect they will be very popular! It seems I have a thing for cuff detail right now.

A group of giddy, young girls were in the changing room next to me. It was great to hear them laughing and enjoying their shopping spree as much as I was. “Everyone’s copying Gucci,” I heard one of them say. That made me giggle. I don’t know which item they were talking about but it just proved to me that Marks and Spencer are not a high-street brand to me ignored.

P.S The blazer and the blouse came home with me. I’m planning to wear them next Sunday for a Bank Holiday session with the girls.